Braces treatment in Shivamogga 

You may have had many questions regarding various dental treatments and have come to search a few over the internet especially regarding braces treatment and orthodontic treatment in shivamogga.

Girija Dantalaya at Shivamogga is a dental clinic holding the answers to all your queries.

We are here to help you make an informed decision, one article at a time. The more knowledge you gain about any dental treatment, the better will be your experience at the clinic because you will know what to expect.

Patient education is one of our top priorities along with professional, precise dental treatment.

In this article you will learn more about braces treatment ( orthodontic treatment in shivamogga )

Did you know?

A braces doctor is called an Orthodontist who is a dentist having a 3 years masters speciality degree in the field of braces and related disorders as well as treatments.

What is braces treatment ? 

Braces treatment, known as Orthodontic treatment is a type of dental procedure for straightening crooked, misaligned teeth and/or jaw problems.

Orthodontic treatment has been going on since centuries now.

Archaeologists have found civilizations in which the people used to undergo dental treatments like filling in Gold inside cavities or even wires of gold and silver essentially ‘sewn’ around the teeth for proper positioning.

Though, our ancestors did not have the knowledge and equipment we have available now, that did not stop them.

Dentistry as a science has long been growing.

Here are some things you may expect at your appointment with us if you want to get braces treatment done.

A dentist or an orthodontist will first take a complete medical history, do a clinical checkup and ask you to get a few X rays done to prepare a treatment plan for you.

The most common and basic Braces are made of metal and the dentist will put a wire on your teeth to help change their position and bring your teeth to the correct alignment as well as improve your smile.

Braces treatment can be undergone at any age, from teenagers to adults.

Who requires braces treatment ? 

Any individual that has maligned teeth, rotated teeth, issues between alignment of the jaws, overbite/ underbite, flared teeth, unaesthetic smile, and many more dental issues can get Braces aka Orthodontic treatment done.

The qualified dentists at our clinic will help you identify the problem and whether or not Braces treatment is required for you.

If yes, then which type of braces will be best for your case, will be suggested to you.

For example, there are traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces (attached at the backside of your teeth), clear aligners, etc.

Different approach is required from case to case. Some patients may require surgery to correct any issues present within the jaw bone, although most of the patients only require braces.

Even the smallest change in tooth position like closing the gap between your front teeth can be done with braces.

Did you know? That there are times when a patient has to extract a tooth due to cavity or other issues and a gap is formed between teeth. Though many options like crowns and bridges or implants are available, that gap can be closed by just orthodontic braces treatment!

( it is advisable to consult your dentist first if you have the same issues, it may not work in every case)

Is braces treatment painful ? 

Braces are just external fixed or removable appliances that cover the outer surface of your teeth which help to bring your teeth in the desired position and straighten them.

After the process of alignment is complete, your orthodontist will give you something called as ‘Retainers’ which can be fixed or removable to help maintain the position of teeth.

As observed, pain is a common concern among patients who are willing to undergo braces treatment.

All in all, braces do not hurt. You might feel a little bit of discomfort during the initial days but it is nothing to worry about, the orthodontist will be prescribing you an emergency painkiller if you cannot bear the ‘tightness’ you might feel during the first 24-36 hours.

Depending on the desired tooth movement , the orthodontist will use various adjuncts like elastic bands or may even tighten the metal wire on subsequent appointments.

After the dentist has tightened the wire, you may again feel a little bit of discomfort for a few hours and no pain.

Thus, braces treatment is not always painful.

You can even ask your friends who had the treatment done.

How much time it takes for results ? 

Moving your teeth from their original misaligned position to the desired correct position is a slow and steady process.

Whenever your teeth are repositioned, there needs to be a lot of healing of the surrounding tissues like the ligament, the bone and the blood vessels to adapt the tooth into the new space.

For this meticulous and precise treatment, it can require a time anywhere between 12 to 24 months.

If a patient needs surgery or some other external appliances like ‘headgear’ ,the time period may vary.

Incase a patient keeps missing their appointments or does not follow the care instructions during the treatment, it can cause a longer treatment time.

We strongly advise never to miss appointments or atleast reschedule them as per your convenience within a week of the missed appointment to achieve the desired results and to complete the treatment in the estimated time period.

Types of braces 

As explained earlier, braces are needed to correct the position of teeth.

There are various kinds available and your orthodontist will suggest you the best one depending on your requirements.

Metal braces: Traditional braces are made of metal. They include brackets that are attached to the front of your teeth or bands that fit around your molar teeth (at the back), as well as flexible wires or arch wires that hold the brackets or bands together. Some braces also include rubber bands that link the brackets to the wire. These bands create more pressure to help straighten and align your teeth and also help to secure the wire more on the brackets.

For added pressure, teenage patients are sometimes advised to wear a device called ‘Headgear’ at night. Patients can put it on and take it off.

Ceramic braces: The brackets of metal braces are also made up of metal. Thus, when you smile, you see a lot of metal shining on your teeth. To avoid that, another aesthetic option is available called ceramic braces. Here, the brackets are made of ceramic and are tooth coloured. This makes them less noticeable and your smile stays more or less natural.

Lingual braces: in these kind, the brackets and wires are placed on the backside of your teeth, towards the tongue. This way, nobody can notice you have braces on!

Clear aligners: They are also called ‘Invisible Braces’. These are clear plastic trays that fit snugly to your teeth. They use pressure to gently move your teeth into the correct positions and straighten your smile. You remove the aligners to eat, brush, or floss, but you should keep them in at least 22 hours each day for them to work.A new set of trays will be provided every 15 days..

What kind of food I can eat during the treatment ?

Soft, non-sticky foods are your best friends for the duration of braces treatment.

A list of foods which you should avoid are:

Chewing gum

Hard candy


Wafers that are thick

Dryfruits like nuts



Very cold or very hot foods and beverages

These food stuffs have a tendency to get stuck in between the braces and teeth, sometimes even break or detach the wire. That is why, orthodontists advise to avoid them.

Want some good alternatives and braces safe foods?

We have a short list



Rice plates (avoid peanuts and dals that might be hard)


Regular chapati and bhaji

Where can I find an expert braces dentist ( orthotodontist )  in Shivamogga ?

You can find some amazing dentists at Shivamogga and one of the experts are at, Girija Dantalaya.

Your solution to all dental problems.

You will be getting top notch patient care and service at the multispeciality dental clinic of Girija Dantalaya located at Shivamogga.

Get in touch with us – 

Contact on – 9900328779 / 9632522799

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