Cost of braces treatment in Shivamogga?

When it comes to braces treatment, many of us tends to have a lot of questions in mind.
For example –

Will I be happier after braces? How will my teeth look after the treatment? Should I go ahead even though the cost is a little bit on the higher side? Will my teeth become weaker after braces?
So on, so forth.
Everyone has a lot of questions going on in their minds before even starting the braces treatment, before the first appointment with the orthodontist.

You must not fuss, as we are here to answer all your questions and bust all your myths and beliefs with accurate , scientific information about every dental question there is.

Keep reading ahead if you want to explore the dental world and make an informed decision about your treatments.

Braces are used to straighten your teeth or to design a perfect smile.
They are available from metal braces to transparent braces, as options to choose from

It depends on what type of material you choose.
Depending upon the options you choose, your treatment cost may vary.

The cost will also depend whether or not you need any surgery or extraction, yet, the cost is not too different.
So it’s always a tentative price range which depends upon various factors.

Why different braces have different charges ?

The types of braces to choose from are:
Metallic braces- The brackets and wires of metal are used here. These things are fit onto your teeth on the front side.

Ceramic braces – Here, ceramic brackets are used which reduces the metal component to almost half. This option helps to improve the aesthetics of your smile for the treatment duration.

Lingual braces – These braces are fitted on the inner sides of your teeth, that is towards the tongue and thus, are not visible at all. Limitations exist and everyone cannot be treated with Lingual braces.

The newest and most aesthetic option available is Invisalign braces. They are a type of Clear Aligners that come in the form of transparent trays.
The trays are removable by the patient and can be maintained on your own. The major advantage is that there is no metal component here and nobody can even tell that you are wearing braces.
This option is suitable for all age groups.

Each braces will have a range of charges with different dentists.
We can give you an average cost.

Metal braces : 20,000 to 40,000

Ceramic braces : 30,000 to 60,000

Invisalign : 90,000 to 1,00,000

P.S. It is always recommended to visit the orthodontist first, rather than making a decision all by yourself.
The dentist will make sure to suggest you the treatment suitable for your case.
You might only want Invisalign, but it may happen so, you are not suitable for Invisalign and need to go with metal or ceramic braces. Hence, visit an Orthodontist for the perfect choice.

What is the best type of braces ?

One of the most versatile and preferred braces by any orthodontist are the Metallic Traditional braces.
They work in almost every type of case. Like extractions, surgical cases and much more.

Patients tend to prefer ceramic braces more than metal braces. The main reason being that the ceramic is less irritating than metal. There are less chances of lip injury and ceramic also looks better when you smile.

Your orthodontist first needs to take your case history and assess the treatment procedure needed by you, after which he/she will prescribe the best braces for you.

Is Invisalign better then metal braces ?

Invisalign are braces which are next to invisible when you wear them.
It is quite difficult to make out whether you are wearing braces or not when using Invisalign.
So yes , Invisalign are better than metal or ceramic braces for aesthetic reasons.
Most cases are eligible for Invisalign treatment yet some may not be.

You may not know, anytime anyone goes for Invisalign treatment, you will first get a virtual Before and After pictures of your teeth. You’ll get to know how exactly your teeth will be changing their position in the entire duration of the treatment and you will get to know the final result as well, before the trays even arrive. All of this is seamlessly available at Girija Dantalaya in Shivamogga.

Invisalign are Clear Aligners and come in the form of trays which are to be worn by the patient on upper and lower teeth almost the entire day around 22 hours.
The patient has to remove them while eating, brushing and sleeping.

Invisalign are preferred by patients for their ease of wear and maintenance.

Invisalign are the best option for people who have dental restorations aka dental fillings in their teeth
Implants or crowns and bridges already in your mouth? So can you get Invisalign? Our chief, Dr. Ramesh at Girija Dantalaya will be the best to take advice from.

Invisalign is discreet and barely noticeable.

After the treatment, your oral health is going to improve . Why?
Because straighter teeth are easier to clean and there are less chances of accumulation of calculus and plaque and food getting stuck in between.

Who should consider Invisalign braces ?

Any person, from adolescents to adults can consider Invisalign.

If you want something that will be next to nothing, yet still give you the benefits of braces? Then you must consider Clear Aligners.

Even very small alignments like closure of gaps or correcting overlapped teeth, rotated teeth, etc can be done with Invisalign.

A lesser known fact is that even senior citizens or people older than 50 can also get braces treatment done. And one of the best options for them is Invisalign!

Is Invisalign treatment available in Shivamogga ?

One hundred percent! Invisalign treatment is available at the reputed Girija Dantalaya, Shivamogga.

From highly qualified Orthodontists, General Dentists and Support staff, you will have your best dental experience here.

Each problem you face with your teeth, we are here to solve it.

Invisalign is a special kind of braces treatment that only Specialist orthodontists who hold a Masters degree and have a certification, can provide it to patients.

We have a robust and dedicated team of professionals present at the dental clinic to save your teeth.

It’s easy to give up on your dream to get a better smile if you think the cost is a bit expensive
We would like to tell you one thing, investing in your health, your dental health is never a waste.

You can get in touch with us via any mode of contact.

Best dentist in Shivamogga

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